Sounds of Social Distancing | Guy Unsworth

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What a rich mix we are offering this week. It’s been compiled by Guy Unsworth who will direct our My Fair Lady performances this summer. And what’s particularly appealing about Guy’s choices is that each track comes with a personal story. Music clearly plays a big part in his work and his life. Any playlist which ranges from Schubert to Radiohead via Marvin Hamlisch and Mel Brooks is worth a listen. No opera: but prepare yourselves for the next one when one of our greatest classical singers will give us a condensed version of an extraordinarily distinguished life in the opera house both as listener and performer.

And talking of life in the opera house, it is a joy to be suddenly doing little else. There will be life unbounded in the Grange theatre in exactly 100 days, when our Festival opens with A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It seems a lot, but were it not for the ‘one-off’ performances some of you came to in September and December, it will have been exactly 705 days since the previous summer Festival stage performance. The organist of the mediaeval cathedral in Monza near Milan told me last year that the cathedral choir there had not been silenced, as it was last February, since its founding in 1367. These expanses of time are too huge to comprehend. We must give thanks that we can all celebrate unrestricted live performance at The Grange and indeed throughout the country, sooner than any of us could have imagined half a year ago. Blessed are the molecular biologists and the biochemists.

See you in the summer

And Happy Listening

Michael Chance

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