SSD Alexander Chance

Sounds of Social Distancing | Alexander Chance

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Our last playlist in December was a group effort presented to you as our office team’s Christmas present. Here is a different kettle of fish altogether, but similar in one respect, the youth element. Accuse me of laziness if you like, but I thought a playlist from a younger mind might be timely. So here’s an eclectic range from my son Alexander, our Oberon this summer.

We will carry on sending you these for the foreseeable future, as long we continue to be confined to quarters. I hope to entice all the directors and conductors who will be performing for us in the summer to share their private passions, or at least their musical ones. And talking of this coming summer, it is not easy yet to imagine what exactly we will all be doing and how we will be doing it. As far as The Grange Festival is concerned, we will certainly be welcoming you to The Grange, and putting on as much as we possibly can, as close to what we all know and love as can be safely and successfully achieved. And nearer the time, we will know what that will be. So please be patient and remain hopeful. I have a suspicion that you won’t be disappointed.

Happy Listening and Happy New Year (it will be at some stage)

Michael Chance

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